"METAustralia was created with the purpose of helping students not only with educational enrolments and counseling but also in a fully comprehensive way; our goal is to make each student feeling part of this great family called METAustralia."
- Ciro & DianaCiro is a qualified Education Agent Counsellor in Australia, specialised in European Students. Holds qualifications as an English (TESOL) Teacher, Training and Assessment and as an Education Support Officer in Australia and also fully qualified Optician from Italy. Speaks fluent English, Spanish and Italian.
Diana is a qualified Education Agent Counsellor in Australia, specialised in Latin-American Students. Holds qualifications as a Lawyer (Colombia), Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management and a Certificate in Individual Support. Speaks fluent English, Spanish and Italian and she is getting ready to Graduate in the field of Migration Law in Australia.
We carry out activities with all students so that when you arrive in Australia you will not feel alone.
We are committed to help and support the education of children in countries where young students do not have the opportunities and resources to study. We continuosly support and finance Education for students who cannot afford their studies in countries like Colombia and around the World.